Hi! This is my new blog. My Scruffy blog was pretty fun for awhile, but this is a new time and I am heading new places. Going on road-trips (long or short) and making art projects are two of my favorite things, so I am combining the two into a giant favorite thing. When people see me on the side of the road they get a good laugh, and that makes me happy.
Some of you may know that I have been helping out Julie with Common Space Studios. If you don't know about CSS please visit commonspacestudios.org to get up-to-date info and go to facebook.com/CommonSpaceStudios. Well, this Saturday Julie and I are having a rummage sale. If you are my pal or aren't a serial killer let me know if you want to come to our sale. We will be selling mostly used items, furniture, dresses, Christmas decorations, ceramics, and other odds and ends.
Keep checking this blog for new locations, dates, and times that I am on the side of the road. Come by and say hi!!!